About Kiya Heike
Welcome, I’m Kevin Groves also known as Kiya Heike in various places such as on Second Life and the Children Of Artemis.
I follow the Egyptian Kemetic/Heka path with my Goddess Selket who I’ve had a connection with since I was very little, and guides me through an essentially solitary path. In addition to that I tend to fill in the gaps in Kemetism with concepts from Chaos Magic as, quite frankly, I’m an utter geek.
On this site you will find a mixture of scripts from sessions I used to run at the CoA SIM on SecondLife, musings on my path and anything else I care to throw here that may help someone. I do offer mentoring if you need guidance on meditation and visualisation techniques I am happy to help or give advice, just ask, it never hurts to ask a question.
Please also take a nose at my Shop for anything that might take your fancy. I have incense, my published books and online courses. Shortly I will be selling soaps and lots of nice ritual stuff.
Any questions please ask, I’m quite open about my path with anyone who wants to discuss it.
Bright Blessings
PS. The Kiya name I came up with has quite a long history for me. I first used the name Kiya in fantasy a book I was writing during the 1990’s. I’ve never finished it and perhaps one day I will get back to it, then around 2005 I ventured into Second Life and it needed a name, I’ve always been fond of my Kiya book character so I chose that, but what about the second name Second Life required? Took a bit of thinking, Selket has her Egyptian form of Serqet Hetu and I thought Hetu would be good. Unfortunately Second Life at the time would not let me type in the surname, I had to choose it from a list. Heike was the closest to the sound of Hetu so I chose that. Its sort of stuck and so to keep my life simple I use the two together now for various occulty things and will most likely use that as any pen names. So now you know. 🙂