Website Launches May 2021

Hello all,

I am pleased to announce the launch of two new websites that focus on both my cosmetics and storytelling.

While this site will always remain my home, these two new sites will become ways I can appeal to a wider audience, as well as ensure this site does not become too messy.




Wep Ron Pet 2020

My Wep Ron Pet for summer solstice is the only one where I can take some pictures. The rest are usually in the dark. Today at noon was wonderful, sun out though a little breezy, my jasmine now in blossom and smelling incredible. So too the handfuls of incense! Shame my fig wasn’t rope so had to buy some. No pomegranates and I’m out of tiger nuts for cake too

Followed with a wonderful phone call with a friend.

Same again tomorrow and almost the same for three times a day for the next week 🙂