Book Launch :: A Kemetic Life – No. 1: Keeping It Personal Booklet

Hello everyone!

Wolfenhowle Press and I are proud to announce the release of the 5th published work under them, and the first in a new series of booklets on Kemetic practice.

This first booklet Keeping It Personal Booklet covers everyday life from food to work. It is absolutely packed with detail, and various photos often from my personal practice.

Hope you love it as much as us!

Available now for £3.50 from [my shop] or the [Wolfenhowle Press Website]

Forging Magical Intent

I am thrilled to announce the availability of my fourth work, and third in the booklet series called ‘Forging Magical Intent’. This one focuses on spell craft and working with symbolism:

This booklet is for those of us who want alternatives to wordy
spells in order to forge our magical intent. The problem may be
caused by many reasons: perhaps we don’t have a poetic bone in
our body due to lacking skill, vocabulary, interest or even a lack
of time.

Remember, spells do not have to be words for there are many
ways to alter reality.

Available from me directly or from my publisher at

My Shop Opening

Well, after a few issues with the shop setup throwing junk out to Facebook (sorry about that again), I think I have things setup and ready to go. I will of course monitor in case it decides to throw any more out. 🙂

Still some tweaking to the product list to do and the checkout won’t yet process payments until I am ready – so please don’t wonder why you can’t pay!

Then of course I will need to actually start creating things to sell. 🙂

This, as well as the on-line courses, and the next book(s) I think will keep me busy for a while.

BB k

A Path Laid Bare

My first book can now be purchased from

Our spiritual path, no matter which path that happens to be, changes throughout our lives with ups, downs and stages in between as our journey with the divine develops. In this book, the well known spiritual teacher Kevin Groves shares his spiritual journey in a frank and honest way. By telling the story of how he found his path, he shows that even though our paths may differ, the gods are with us all the way. A simple premise, but a powerful story, told in Kevin’s own, inimitable way.

The light at the end if the tunnel is not an oncoming train!