Samhain 2016

It has certainly been a strange year apart from the tragic deaths of a couple of friends. My own path has been through the wrangler and in a way has contributed to the talk I will be giving at Witchfest 2016 next month on the highs and lows of Kemetic reconstructionism.

Being a time of change, remembrance and general focus on one’s craft, all of which as a Kemetic I’m not really that attached to, however I still recognise the value in this. In fact throughout my many years I’ve always found a closeness to my goddess at this time and had attached the ‘thinning of the veil’ to that feeling. As it turns out I have been wrong all these years and this time stands in the middle of a two possible dates to festivals to my goddess that I was unaware of. Intuition can be valuable even if we have no idea why.

Other such path shattering discoveries have surfaced and I will take the opportunity to regroup and move forward with reawakened energy and focus, feeling that this time of year is now extra special to me as never before.

However you mark this time of year have a good one and learn from it.



Summer Solstice At Stonehenge

On Tuesday 24th June, 2014, I had the pleasure of being invited to attend a summer solstice ritual at Stonehenge for the first time. I’ve only visisted that place once before and really didn’t get much from it before, but this time, with a chance to enter amoungst the stones I was hoping for an experience that would renew my interest in the place. The experience certainlly did that and was the most magical of expereicnces, no dbout assisted by the amazing ritual that the Gorsedd of Cor Gawr had organised. The experience of seeing the sun hit that heal stone will forever be remembered. May I will attend another sometime, I’m pretty sure that will happen though not sure when. 🙂

Summer Solstice 2014

Well, for a a change I partook in a Druid ceremony on a local beach at Folkstone this morning for the mid summer solstice. A little over cast but still a good experience with friends and new friends made there. Afterwards pulled out my rope labyrinth and a few had a go with it.

Its late now on the Saturday and the long day is starting to catch up with me. Still more to do, tomorrow I think now, my own ritual and then prep for a trip down to Stonehenge for a private ritual there that I have been invited to.